阔别数月,今又相见。“萃英”研究生学术沙龙又一次和大家见面了。第二十八期沙龙于2009年3月13日在物理楼南408成功举办。本次报告的主讲人是来自凝聚态物理专业的尤文龙同学。尤文龙同学2003年进入北大,师从田光善老师,研究方向是强关联电子体系。他科研表现出色,研究过程中已发表、已接受和正准备的文章达11篇, 其中第一作者文章9篇。2007年发表于Physics Review E 76, 编号为022101(2007)的文章引用率已高达29次。
主 讲 人:尤文龙研究方向:强关联电子体系报告题目:临界现象中的保真度响应度与动力学结构因子沙龙时间:2009年3月13日(周五)下午3:00-5:00沙龙地点:物理楼南408报告人简历:1999.09-2003.07 北京师范大学 本科
2003.09-2009.07 betvlctor网页版登录 研究生相关工作(已发表或待发表的论文,论文引用次数,刊物影响因子):
Wen-Long You, Guang-Shan Tian, and Hai-Qing Lin, “Existence of long-range orbital order in a two-dimensional orbital-only model” Physical Review B 75, 195118 (2007).
Wen-Long You, Ying-Wai Li, and Shi-Jian Gu,“Fidelity, dynamic structure factor, and susceptibility in critical phenomena ” Physical Review E 76, 022101 (2007).
Wen-Long You, Guang-Shan Tian, and Hai-Qing Lin, “Long Range Order in two-dimensional XXZ model” (To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B).
Wen-Long You and Guang-Shan Tian, “Quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional compass model using the pseudospin approach”, Physical Review B 76, 184406 (2008).
Shuo Yang, Wen-Long You, Shi-Jian Gu and Hai-Qing Lin, “Competitions of magnetism and superconductivity in FeAs-based Materials”, (Accepted by Chinese Physics B).
Wen-Long You, Wen-Long Lu, “Ground-state correlation entropy in 1D and 2D XXZ model”, (Accepted by Int. J. Mod. Phys. B)
Wen-Long You, Shi-Jian Gu, Guang-Shan Tian, and Hai-Qing Lin, “Constraints on possible pairing symmetry in a two-orbital model of FeAs-based superconductors”, Physical Review B 79, 014508 (2009).Wen-Long You, Wen-Long Lu , “Scaling of reduced fidelity susceptibility in the one-dimensional transverse-field XY model”, (To appear in Phys. Lett. A)
Wen-Long You, Shi-Jian Gu, and Hai-Qing Lin, “Quantum solvation in optical lattice”, (in preparation).
Wen-Long You and Guang-Shan Tian, “Topologically protected groundstate degeneracy”, (in preparation).
Ying-Wai Li, Wen-Long You, “Studies of quantum phase transition of Anderson impurity model by quantum entanglement”, ( in preparation)
Published in PHYSICAL REVIEW E 76, 022101(2007), cited 29 times so far
报告摘要:在传统相变理论中,人们通过序参量来确定量子相变点。近些年来人们发现,借用量子信息的概念,可以有效地确定量子相变点,比如,纠缠(entanglement),关联熵(correlation entropy)。最近,人们发现量子信息中的保真度(fidelity)就是一个有效的物理量,可以用来量子临界现象中检测相变点。我们引入保真度响应(fidelity susceptibility)的概念,并建立了它与关联函数的一般关系。此外,把保真度响应推广到有限温度的热力学态上,就可以得到保真度响应与一些热力学量的简单关系,比如比热,磁化率。我们还指出这个物理量可以通过成熟的数值方法很方便地得以计算。在报告中,我们会介绍一些相关背景,以及目前该领域的进展。